May 5-7, 2023 in Panora, IA:
Pathways to Serenity

is for people in recovery from chemical dependency and those that love them. Offered twice per year, costs are kept to a minimum and some scholarships are available. This is a spiritual retreat, sponsored by the Episcopal Diocese of Iowa, but people of any faith and those seeking faith are cordially invited. The primary focus is the spiritual path known as the 12 steps, as first articulated by Alcoholics Anonymous. Participants design their own retreat experience.

Registration Deadline for the May 2023 retreat is April 20, 2023.



The 12 Steps, from Alcoholics Anonymous

General Convention Opioid Task Force - their website has a library of chemical dependency/harm reduction resources for education, advocacy, pastoral care, prevention, & recovery


Liturgical & Small Group Resources

Prayers in Recovery Booklet from Recovery Ministries of the Episcopal Church



Recovery Ministries of the Episcopal Church: to renew and revitalize the Church’s capability to recognize and address the serious social ills surrounding the pathological use of alcohol, drugs and other addictive behaviors (gambling, overeating, sex, etc.) and suggest an appropriate Christian response.

National Association for Children of Addiction (NACoA): to eliminate the adverse impact of alcohol and drug use on children and families. Vast library of resources including clergy training.
