
About the GILEAD Campaign:

A three-year, diocesan fundraising campaign

  • Pentecost 2019 - Pentecost 2022

  • not an endowment (funds not held long term)

  • a strategic investment to grow the church

Goal: to engage and empower disciples to participate in the mission of God in local communities and the world

Mission: SUPPORT the growth of leaders and ministry initiatives, EQUIP congregations to thrive into the future, STRENGTHEN our global partnerships, and COLLABORATE in raising funds for local needs

History: the campaign grew out of the 2017 Revivals, 2018 Growing Iowa Leaders activities, and 2019 Engaging All Disciples days. The relationships and energy growing out of these initiatives built on each other, and we realized a need to be able to fund more of these types of offerings. The GILEAD Campaign invests in Holy Imagination, resources, and people, in our diocese, communities, and our companion dioceses.



Your gift helps provide funding for:



Grants SUPPORT and EQUIP leaders, congregations, ministry initiatives, and worshipping communities across the state


2020: 14 Grants awarded, totaling $85,526

2021: 18 Grants awarded, totaling $136,500

2022: 10 Grants awarded, totaling $79,000


Ministries in Our Companion Dioceses

We STRENGTHEN our global partnerships with the dioceses of Nzara, Swaziland, and Brechin by supporting each other in mission and prayer


Ministry Examples:

Nzara: medical care, expanded school facilities, farming capacity, clergy support

Swaziland: creation care, feeding programs, micro economic projects, promoting gender equality

Brechin: fresh expressions of worship, evangelism initiatives

Your Local Congregation

COLLABORATE in raising funds for local needs by designating a percentage of your gift to your local congregation


You may designate a percentage of your diocesan campaign gift to a congregation. Payments to congregations are disbursed quarterly, the vestry chooses how to use the funds, and the congregation receives reporting and tracking (at no cost to the congregation).



The ingathering period is over but if you have not done so already, please fulfill your pledge to the GILEAD Campaign!




Where we’re at:

figures updated 2/28/2021

figures updated 2/28/2021

receipts 2.28.2021.png
disbursements 2.28.2021.png

Thank you to everyone who is giving, has already given, and has worked to make GILEAD possible! Thank you for bringing new things into being with GILEAD - growing iowa Leaders and engaging all disciples - in iowa!